Baby #2
Baby #2
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go
Bear Creek Township, PA (US)

Jenna Novakowski is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Campaign Story
Hi, we are Sierra and Jenna! Mother of a beautiful 3 year old boy in hopes of many more. My wife Sierra, has been struggling with fertility for 2 years now. With both of us being in the teaching field the continuous IUI treatments aren’t an option for us anymore, especially with us paying out of pocket. There is nothing more we want then to give our baby boy siblings to run around and grow up with. With your help and donations you wouldn’t only be blessing us, but our son. (:
Name | Donation | Date |
Catherine Lavery | $25.00 | August 12, 2023 |
Polons Erica | $25.00 | August 11, 2023 |
Stephen S | $10.00 | August 11, 2023 |
Katie Lydon | $35.00 | August 11, 2023 |
Ryan Novakowski | $20.00 | August 11, 2023 |
Ryan Manf | $4.00 | August 11, 2023 |
Savannah McGoff | $10.00 | August 11, 2023 |

Ryan Manf
commented with a $4 donation
about 2 years ago
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Jenna Novakowski is organizing this fundraiser.